
Have a question or comment?
Use the form below to send us a message or contact us by mail at:


B 35 PHASE 5, FOCAL POINT, LUDHIANA – 141010 Phone: 97792 55549
Phone: +91 98159 23265


What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

It depends on multiple factors such as weight, amount, category, address etc. You will be able to see the shipping charges on the cart page.

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

We are currently accepting debit card, credit card and upi payments. Cash on delivery is not currently available.

How long will delivery take?

Generally it will take 10 -12 working days, but it may differ because of the address and current covid situation.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

Your data is protected and is only used for the contact and delivery purpose, we do not use you data other then email marketing for our own platform.

What exactly happens after ordering?

You will receive a confirmation email from our end regarding your order and you will get regular updates via email and sms.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

Yes you will receive a confirmation email for the same and we send the invoice physical copy with your package.